Ringed storm petrel - Golondrina de la tempestad de collar (Oceanodroma hornbyi)
Mohamed bin Zayed Species project number 13255302

In Lima, the capital city of Perú, The Storm Ringed Petrel Project, has reported landings of disoriented apparently fledglings birds in different urban places between the months of April to August. Causes for landings are unknown, although the birds appear to be disoriented when found, but is related with the phenomenon known as "fallout". Since 2009 up to date, we have rescued and released birds more than 300 individuals, and collected basic morphological information.
The rescue and rehabilitation actions would be part of an effort to gather information
on these little known birds, with the objective of contributing to the knowledge about
their ecology and eventually finding their nesting sites.This presents a risk for their
conservation due to the rapid and unplanned development of the Peruvian coast. They
could be threatened by unplanned urbanization causing possible nesting sites
destruction. The fact that nesting sites are unknown is compounded by the lack of
scientific data about basic biology of the species, including destruction or death of
individuals, and knowledge of its population status an real distribution.
Thought diffusion materials as posters, brochures and flyers we disseminate information to educate and sensitize inhabitants about the project and about what is happening with this seabird.
Objectives of the project:
- Creation and management of a national registry of landing sites information that includes a data base of landing sites with geographical, maps, and open sea sightings, with the objective of gathering information about basic biology of this species.
- Creation and development of a working network through establishment of rescue protocols and through volunteer training, that will seek to generate biological information about this species.
- Generating general public awareness about the situation of the seabird finding disoriented in several places along the coast of Peru and of the goals of the project, in order to gather information about landing sites along the coast of Peru, and of registering open sea sightings.
More information:
Project 13255302 location - Peru, South America